Under Review
over 4 years ago

Allow the Resolution to be required on CSRs that don't have workflow.

In previous releases the <> in the CSR Type Template would mean that the information is optional.  The <<>> would mean that it's required for Description and/or Resolution.  Stat 6.2 no longer has an option to make the resolution to be required for CSR types that don't have workflow.  We would like this functionality to be brought back and not be tied to workflow.  We have some CSR types that don't have workflow on them that we would like to have the Resolution be required. 

  • I just retested it.  We have some <> in our templates.  In 6.1 and earlier, when we enter a new CSR that has the <> in the template, we would receive an warning "You have not entered data in the CSR Description.  Please complete prior to saving.  After we upgraded one of our environments to 6.2, we no longer receive the warning.  should we have changed them from <> to <<>> along with the workflow resolution checkbox change? 

  • I had opened a SR about this (4591328)  In Stat 6.2, the <<>> double brackets didn't go into affect during some of my testing.  Edgar recommended that I open up ideas about this since it didn't seem to be working.  I made the changes to make the resolution required using workflow. 

  • There nothing changed for Description and Resolution. When Resolution has  empty double brackets (<<>>), Stat would require to enter data when status change to closed Status. For Description field  it is the same rule but for any CSR Status