Under Review
over 7 years ago

Turn off automatic queue owner.

We are upgrading from Stat 5.7.3 to 5.8 and noticed that when you move to another queue the queue owner field is auto-filled Stat 5.8). Users say that it is easier to have the field blank and would like to have it reverted back.

  • I agree and also posted a suggestion to do this.  Unfortunately, I think Quest pretty much ignores things posted to this "ideas" forum.  And, since I was actually going thru and posting comments here, the system decided I needed to take a break and wait 15 minuted before posting again.  Yikes.

  • I agree and also posted a suggestion to do this.  Unfortunately, I think Quest pretty much ignores things posted to this "ideas" forum.  And, since I was actually going thru and posting comments here, the system decided I needed to take a break and wait 15 minuted before posting again.  Yikes.

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