Under Review
over 3 years ago

Can 6.3 Restore File Source Error-Checking + Warning During Interim Creation ?

Stat 6.3 lets you create a file interim with the "Files From:" dropdown box left blank.  This can result in errored-out interim sets.  Version 6.1 (and 6.2 - we tested 6.2, but ultimately skipped ahead to 6.3) would produce the warning, "You Must Select A Value for Files From Field" andavert any warnings or errors altogether.  6.3 just lets the user proceed with the "Files From:" checkbox left blank and without the warning. 


Here I am in Stat 6.3, creating an interim for an SQR.  I’m deliberately forgetting to select a value for the “Files From:” drop-down box, in turn, leaving it blank:

If I’m creating an interim with a file object (an SQR), and I leave the field circled above blank, I will likely get a warning in the interim.

And that will ultimately result in an error during the migration.

However, in 6.1 the user never reaches the interim warning or the migration errors pictured above because 6.1 prevents users from leaving the “Files From” field blank:


Stat 6.1

Now, here’s that same field in Stat 6.1

And this is what happens when I try to proceed with “Files From” left blank in 6.1:

So, since the 6.1 error-checking for this particular dropbox has disappeared in 6.3, the user can easily go on to create more warnings and errors in the CSR.

For the sake of this demonstration I left the “FilesFrom” dropbox empty on purpose.  However, during initial testing of Stat 6.3, I was running into the interim errors and warnings pictured toward the top of this page.  And then I figured out why – I was forgetting to set the “FilesFrom” dropdown box to “environment” or “working”.  While that is indeed my mistake (leaving the dropbox blank), I can see users doing the same thing: accidentally letting this dropdown box default to blank  - and then getting interim errors and warnings.  

** 8/6/2020 -  Our designated 6.3 testers/developers ran into this issue the first time they attempted to lock a file objects (and so did I).  We had to instruct them to be absolutely sure not to leave the file source field blank (which it defaults to), and to be aware that it will default to "environment" otherwise.  Most developers will trying to lock objects from the working directory at this stage.

 Would you consider the possibility of restoring this warning/error-checking functionality (which existed in 6.2 & earlier) back into 6.3 for the "Files From" drop-down box?  We never experienced any issues with this field until the change was implemented in version 6.3.

Thank you!
