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EOS - modules installed today and STAT Agent is hanging periodically

We have installed EOS modules today on our STAT non-PROD environment.

We are seeing STAT Agent hanging after sometime. Did anyone run into this issue? and any recommendations to resolve the issue

  • We didn't see this issue before EOS modules installation.
    Also we do not use our STAT non-PROD often.
  • Which Stat Agent? The Stat Central Agent or Stat Oracle EBS Agent?
    Which version of EOS did you install?

    Any hints in the Agent log files?
  • STAT Oracle EBS Agent.
    Release# R12.2_04_01_2016

    STAT Oracle EBS Agent even though it is in Debug mode there is not much information.
    other than STAT Agent connection is verified -
    YSDATE, AGENT_MODE = 'debug' WHERE SD_CD = '54')
    2017-05-31 16:24:20 TRACE - SQL: UPDATE MERC_WAKE SET UPDATE_DT = SYSDATE, AGENT_MODE = 'debug' WHERE SD_CD = '54'
    2017-05-31 16:24:20 TRACE - Processed 1 rows
    2017-05-31 16:24:20 DEBUG - commit(-1)
    2017-05-31 16:24:20 TRACE - Committing transaction
    2017-05-31 16:24:20 DEBUG - Stat Agent connection verified
  • Those entries look like normal entries...

    What EOS Modules did you install?

    Do the Stat EBS Agents status change from "Responding" to "Not Responding" and then again from "Not Responding" to "Responding"?
  • We installed AP, PO and GL modules.
    Stat EBS Agent status is always "Responding".
    When we try to add setup object to a CSR we see a pop-up box "Fetch is in progress. To Cancel, press cancel button". This pop-up doesn't go away and it just stays there.
    Once we bounce the STAT agent it starts to work fine. After sometime users complain again and we had to bounce the agent to resolve the issue.
  • We have another team ie; using STAT with EOS different STAT instance. They raised similar issue.
    At that time we mentioned we do not have issues. After installing EOS on our instance we are seeing similar issues.
  • After installing the EOS objects did you make them "Active". Check under: Maintenance | General | Object Types and verify the newly installed objects are checked as "Active"
  • The ones we are testing have "Active" checkbox checked.
  • Had a similar problem and I am thinking maybe your Stat EBS Agent JVM needs more memory. Check under STAT_HOME/bin file: I increased the 2nd line below to correct my issue from -Xms256m -Xmx512m to the values list below. Restart the agent after making the change.

    ./java -DSTAT="$envCode" \
    -Xms512m -Xmx1024m \
    -Dconfigfile=$cfgFile \
    -Dcmdconfig="$cfgParams" \
    -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \ $envCode 2>&1 | tee -a $fatalLog &
  • Did you try changing the -Xms and -Xmx? I had similar problems displaying EOS objects and that solution work for me. Let me know.