• Customized Workloads Dashboard for Foglight SQL Server PI

    Hello All,

    Attached a quick guide (in .pptx) of how to build quickly customized dashboard that preview all the workloads of your Instances in one dashboard.

    In this Dashboard:

    You can see the Baseline and the Breakdown of all your Instances

    You can see the…

  • Why do i have to manage VMware? a new blog from Quest


    "Why do I have to manage virtualization?”you ask yourself. “After all, I put all that effort into virtualizing our environment so that I could manage less: less hardware, less storage and less physical infrastructure. I want all my virtualization…

  • How can we Collect Trace for Every Exceptional Exit in .net application

    Dear All, 

    We have currently configured  .NET Applications for Monitoring, We could see the request details but i want to collect the trace automatically for All exceptional Exit alone.

    I went through the rule "Request Response time Threshold" …

  • Creating a report from Service Builder

    How do I create a Report from a Newly created Service under Service builder for two VMs and report on their CPU, Memory and Drive size for the past month ?

    I seem to have the Service completed but when I choose report  at the Top right and change the date…

  • Report to display uptime for VM's

    how to pull a report that shows time each VM has been online for the month i.e. uptime for all the VMs 

  • Dynamic Managed Component question

    I would like to create a dynamic managed component query to create a service. I would like the service to contain Net Monitor Devices but only those that also have an Oracle agent on the host that the Net Monitor is checking. I was hoping to use a query…

  • Script to count no of files

     Dear All, 


     I would to know if anyone have created any script which can be used to count no of Lines in a File.

    Ex : Exception Logs Unhandled

    New File created Everyday to get the List of Unhandled Exceptions

    We need to count the List of Exceptions based…

  • Our Foglight for Virtualization and Cloud Forum has Moved!

    We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand new Foglight Community Forum!  You can post questions or suggestions about Foglight products in the new forum as part of an active discussion. If you posted a question below in this forum that we…

  • Our Foglight Forum for Custom Dashboards and Scripts has Moved!

    We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand new Foglight Community Forum!  You can post questions or suggestions about Foglight products in the new forum as part of an active discussion. If you posted a question below in this forum that we…

  • Our Foglight Administrators Forum has Moved!

    We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand new Foglight Community Forum!  You can post questions or suggestions about Foglight products in the new forum as part of an active discussion. If you posted a question below in this forum that we…

  • VMware capacity management

    If you have ever wanted to know when you're going to run out of capacity or how upcoming changes are going to drive purchasing behaviour, now you can.

    Foglight for Virtulaization 8.5 with Capacity Director


  • Vmware capacity management

    If you have ever wanted to know when you're going to run out of capacity or how upcoming changes are going to drive purchasing behaviour, now you can.

    Foglight for Virtulaization 8.5 with Capacity Director




  • EUWebMonitorTransactionMetrics monitoringAgent returns null


    Can somebody explain me why the
    o2.get("monitoringAgent/name") returns null for a EUWebMonitorTransactionMetrics object?

    and yet the webmonitoragent is showing properties in the script console

    For an FTR object it seems to be working


  • Cartridge for Deleting Stale objects

    Hello Team , 


     I am looking for a cartridge which can help me in deleting the Stale objects, I understand the same can be done by the Script , But it would be more easier if there are any cartridge so that we can come to know how many objects are stale…

  • UDC not immediately showing up in list.

    We're still in the trial phase of purchasing Foglight for SQL Server and I've run into an issue using the UDC.


    I've created a rather simple UDC just to test it.  Everything passes with green checkmarks, I save my changes and that works fine…

  • Foglight for SQL Server with PI What ports should be open?

    Hello All,

    I am preparing new environment for Foglight for SQL Server with PI:

    1 VM for the FMS

    1 VM for FGLAM + PI repository

    1 VM for the Foglight Repository (SQL Server)


    I didn't find any documnt that explain what port should i open from each vm to…

  • Foglight Database Expansion Pack

    Note: Database Expansion Pack download was updated in 2022

    Hello all.  I am pleased to provide the latest release of my Foglight Database Expansion Pack for general use.  Any customer (current or future) is encouraged to install this pack into their Foglight…

  • Foglight - Top 5 Knowledge base articles for the week - Sept 12, 2016

  • Foglight APM - Top 5 Knowledge Base articles for the week - Sept 12, 2016

  • Foglight for Virtualization and Storage - Top 5 Knowledge base articles for the week - Sept 12, 2016

    Here are the Top 5 Knowledge Base articles for Foglight for Virtualization and Storage for the week.

    1. Video - How to configure the SMIs collection for the EMC arrays?
    2. The top 5 most common configuration problems when setting up LDAP integration with …
  • Foglight - Latest Product Release - Foglight

    What's New:

    Foglight Release

    • Provides new feature "Never expire" option for user's password
    • Agent Status dashboard now lists "Last Submission Time
    • A new Database Maintenance Controller operation checks for topology churn…
  • Foglight Virtualization and Storage - Latest Product Release - FSM/Storage Cartridge 4.3

    Foglight Virtualization and Storage - FSM/Storage Cartridge version 4.3

    What’s New:

    • New SDK to enable faster dev for new platforms
    • Storage API | UX and Usability Streamlining
    • Improved UI performance for larger monitored environments
    • Streamlined…
  • Foglight for Virtualization and Storage - Latest Product Release - FVE 8.4

    Foglight for Virtualization and Storage FVE 8.4

    What’s New:

    • Improved Hyper-V support
    • Hyper-V Optimizer | Hyper-V Storage, vSwitch | SCVMM Link to Download & Documentation

    Documentation & Release Notes


    Download Free Trial



  • Foglight for Oracle - Latest Product Release - Cartridge version

    What’s New:   

    Foglight for Oracle - Cartridge version

    • Improved the Instance Overview dashboard.
    • Added new Enterprise Reports (Inventory and Availability reports).
    • Added the option to change the default monitored instance listener during…
  • Rule Scope for VMWDatastore

    Hi we have couple of vCenter Servers being monitored by our Foglight Server. I am setting up a rule of VMWDatastore Capacity Alert which I want to apply only to datastores present in one vCenter server and not on all, how do I achieve that. I tried using…