• Alert for Cancel jobs

    Hi Team,

    i am trying to implement the Customization for Generating alert for Cancel Job, Present DBSS job Failed rule alerts only in case of Job Fail. i am looking even when job is canceled by system or user, i want to send alert.


    Using Last_run_outcome…

  • SNMP Forward Rule Filter for Specific agents.

    Hi Team,  My requirement is we don't forward alert Trap for Some Agents. Example:- Agent name Registered with "HBR-Servername","FIN-Servername".

    we don't want send HBR alerts to SNMP trap / Netcool.


    i have write the Below condition…

  • FVS Bottleneck Dashboards for FVE


    as all Foglight for Virtualization Standard Edition (FVS) customers are going to change to Foglight for Virtualization Enterprise Edition (FVE), they would like to see the FVS dashboards in FVE. In the attachement you can find a cartrdige which contains…

  • How to move a Local Service (FSMChildService) from one FSMCategory to another one

    Basically, I'm able to move nested Global services (FSMService) within multiple FSMCategories and even remove them afterwards without destroying the Global Service. How could we achieve this with a Local Service?

    I was thinking something along the…

  • Modify SNMP message body


    How do I modify the message sent via SNMP? I'd like to add the agent tags to the snmp alarm message.

  • Groovy to import hosts for "MultiHostProcessMonitorAgent" agent


    I would like to be able to import a list of hosts to an agent of type "MultiHostProcessMonitorAgent", by a groovy script.

    Could anyone give me a hint/snipet?

    Thank you,


  • Foglight for Storage Management support for HP MSA2040

    Hello there,

    I would like to know if it is possible to monitor our HP MSA2040 storage array which like HP 3PAR uses an embedded SMI-S provider...

    I just tried luck and to used the current agent for HP 3PAR but it fails...

    Thank you and regards,


  • Memory Usage for the Foglight main Launcher service


    Just noticing that the Foglight main launcher service is taking 50.2% CPU on the Windows 2012 server that I have it running on. Is this normal for it to be consuming so much CPU?


  • How to fix FGLAM/FMS unable to start after Linux operating system upgrade (CVE-2017-1000364)

    Some of our customer are experiencing FMS/FGLAM down and unable to start after Linux operating system upgrade (CVE-2017-1000364) and I want share how to fix it.

    Background: In June 19, 2017,  Redhat released a new fix which addressing the- CVE-2017-100…

  • Webcast Tuesday, June 27 for existing Foglight admins and end users - learn more about how to use Foglight Registry Variables for more nimble performance monitoring

    Hello all,

    This is Tim Fritz from the Foglight sales engineering team at Quest.   We have an ongoing monthly (last Tuesday of each month) webcast series for existing Foglight customers to learn more about various aspects of the product that will bring even…

  • need help upgrading? check out this blog.

  • help with create a Foglight monitor dashboard

    Hi Foglight Expert,
    I want to create a dashboard to achieve below requirement
    1. one part of the dashboard would show the SQL instance that status is down
    2. the second part show the SQL Instance that Agent service is down
    3. the third part would show any…

  • Foglight API - 0 to 100 MPH in 2 demos

    The purpose of this post is to familiarize Foglight stake-holders and developers with the new Foglight API.  I will go from showing something very basic in the first 10 minute video, to a more advanced coding use case in the second video.  Before we start…

  • 'Unable to connect to resource monitor' after moving database to new server version.

     Hi All, We have recently migrated the Foglight for Virtualization Standard Edition database to a new site and upgrade to SQL server standard 2014 SP2. DB connection checks are successful. After clicking the proceed button we are hit with a 'Unable to…

  • GridLayout Inside Iterator Not Rendered In PDF Layout



    I have custom dashboard that use Grid Layout inside Iterator, this works well as an Dashboard. But i have a need to include it inside an custom report. But the generated pdf only show blank page. Why is it? How to show it properly inside pdf? Please…

  • How can i access to the historical monitoring (3 months ago) of a virtual server that i had to copy (snapshot), delete and reinstall in a new virtual server with the same hostname and ip?


    I have a problem with Foglight. How can i access to the historical monitoring (3 months ago) of a virtual server that i had to copy (snapshot), delete and reinstall in a new virtual server with the same hostname and ip?

    I have Foglight 5.7.1


  • How to purge data from netmonitor objects

    How to purge data from netmonitor objects (data management)

  • Physical Host Socket Report

    Hi there,


    I was looking to see if there was a way to poll the number of physical hosts and their "sockets" for each of the physical machines? I see there is a custom catridge, that will poll the ESX hosts, but I'm more interested in the physical host…

  • LogMonitorAgent Tags



    Can you please advise where the tags associated with a log monitor agent (in the ASP) is populated against a LogMonitorRecord.

    I cannot find it in the topology structure.


    I would like to access this via a rule. If you have an example of how this is…

  • Can't get SQL PI enabled on a new instance of Foglight

    I'm getting our 5th instance of Foglight set up and SQL PI is proving to be difficult to get running.  I'm going into detail to hopefully answer questions ahead of time.

    My set up: (the specs here are the same on my previous 4 Foglight instances…

  • What does the VMW_CheckForBaselineAlarm function do?

    I've noticed this function used in various rules.  But I can't find any documentation on it.  What are the parameters passed to it?  What is the result mean?  I'm hesitant to change any of these rules without knowing what is happening in it.  Is…

  • Is there a way to export/import Foglight Settings

    Is there a way to export, and inevitably, import Foglight Settings?  This way when I set up another Foglight silo (as I call it), I can simply import the settings from another silo (changing some server names of course).  This would be a very, very good…

  • SQL PI Performance tree

    I was presented with a question I didn't have an answer to.  Hopefully this will get an answer and not go unanswered.  I think it's fairly basic but I'm still new to the product.


    Does Foglight-SQL PI  record only the stored proc metrics or does…

  • JellyBean Custom Dashboard with Hosts Health

    Hi all

    I'd like to suggest you the recipe for creating jellybean (or spinner) dashboard based on cartridge from Brian Wheeldon. In his post he provides cartridge with dasboard like the image below: 


    Unfortunately, I couldn't install those cartridge…

  • VMWarePerformance - Storage Cartridge must be loaded before enabling storage collection


    I'm facing some difficulties in utilizing the Foglight to monitor my VMWare Environment.. When I try to enable the storage collection while I'm adding the vCenter server, I'm getting an error (Storage Cartridge Must be loaded before enabling storage…