• Bus Simulator Ultimate Mod APK

    Downloading and using a modded APK (like Bus Simulator Ultimate Mod APK) involves a few risks and considerations. Here are some key points:

    What is Bus Simulator Ultimate?
    Bus Simulator Ultimate is a popular mobile game that lets players experience the…

  • Bilingual installation

    Hi everyone,

    I'm looking into Desktop Authority for our company, a nationwide flower delivery company in Canada. However, since our country is bilingual, I need a solution that would be flexible enough to accomodate both French and English. It is not…

  • Privilege Manager group policy blocking RDP

    We deploy some Exchange tools as RemoteApp Programs through an internal website using RDWeb. A user logs into the website, sees the icons for the programs and chooses the one they want to run. It has worked fine until this week. Now if the computer has…

  • Computer beeps 4 times when I turn it on, red light and then doesn't work at all.

    I have a quest mid-tower gaming case desktop, and turning it on this morning, it beeped like it does usually as a sign it's on, but then it beeped one time long and 3 times shortly. Then a red light on the front fascia blinks or stays, and the computer…

  • User getting inactivity message when logging in

    I have a single user who, upon logging into their machine at the start of the day, is prompted that they will be logged out due to inactivity.

    This only happens to them, and I can't find anything under the inactivity section that would cause this. It…

  • Printer Deployment, Not following Logic

    Good Morning All,

    I have been working with deploying out printer within our org for the past week or so. I have created all the printers in desktop authority and they are assigned by Computer OU. I have one printer that will not follow the logic, It is…

  • Generic Desktop deployment

    I am wondering if it is possible to created a generic desktop that can be deployed every time an end user either reboots or logs in into the PC. 

    If it is possible please post instruction or videos of the creation of this task. 

    We have appx 300 desktops…

  • DA support for MAC

    Does Desktop Authority support MAC Machines? The basic requirement is to manage the devices attached on USB ports. Can this be done for MAC using DA?