• How to send approval email to account owner and to account owner's manager?

    Hi Team,

    I'm new to the tool. This question is regarding approval email. Below is the scenario:

    I have multiple secondary account for different use and anyone from team can do secondary account password reset. That is, when someone ask for password…

  • Active Roles Server Monitoring

    I am in the process of implementing a monitoring solution for all of our ARS servers and wanted to reach out to the community to get an idea and best practices on what everyone else is currently monitoring within their organization. We are currently monitoring…

  • Can someone Explain AA DC Agent Pools Vs Per DC Agent

    (or point me to a resource)

    I have to decide between the two, I manage a Multi Domain Forest With 300+ DCs, I am leaning towards the Pools, but cannot find a resource that explains the operation of these two Solutions, From the top of my head I am thinking…

  • Quest Migration Manager

    Hello Everybody

                              I got a few of  error on installing Migration manager software.



                             First I downloaded this version is trails version. Second I got this error detail information "Migration Manager for Active…

  • How can Active Administrator AD Health help your Active Directory Environment? - Watch this Video.

    Are you monitoring your Active Directory health?

    Performance issues with your AD environment can have an impact on your organization with slow performance, which means your users and customers are waiting on applications.

    Are you spending time troubleshooting…