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SQL Server 2017 Enhancements You Need To Know

SQL Server 2017 Enhancements You Need To Know
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:Oct. 24, 2017
  • Evento:A pedido
SQL Server 2017 Enhancements You Need To Know

Think you know all there is to know about SQL Server 2017? Think again! This release is packed with hidden gems that’ll make your job easier than ever – if you know what they are and how to use them.

In this session, database experts Pini Dibask and Jason Hall reveal the lesser-known features that’ll help you improve database performance in record time. You’ll see how to quickly diagnose issues and easily resolve them. With a little expert advice, you’ll learn how to take full advantage of all the unpublicized features you’re sure to love.


  • Jason Hall - Sr Sales Engineer
  • Pini Dibask - Oracle Database Architect

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