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"No Outage": Maximum Performance Under Heavy SQL Server Workload

No Outage": Maximum Performance Under Heavy SQL Server Workload
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:May 18, 2021
  • Evento:A pedido
No Outage": Maximum Performance Under Heavy SQL Server Workload
An experienced DBA knows that everything works fine when things are under control. However, as soon as the workload increases or a spike in traffic arrives, any server starts showing signs of stress. It is a good idea to keep a check on the server configurations and settings so no matter how workloads change (concurrent threads, high CPU/IO, memory queries, parameter sniffing), the server always runs optimally. In this fast-paced, demo-oriented session we will see a few critical and the most important configuration settings, that once enabled instantly improve performance to SQL Server. Our goal is to have no outages under a heavy workload.


Pinal Dave, SQL Server Performance Tuning Expert -

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