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Mitigating Active Directory threats before, during and after disaster

Mitigating Active Directory threats – before, during and after disaster.
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:Jun. 20, 2024
  • Evento:A pedido
Mitigating Active Directory threats – before, during and after disaster.

Identity, and Active Directory in particular, is a cyber attacker’s prime target, with 80% of breaches today involving compromised identities. From an attackers’ point of view, it makes sense – control Active Directory, and you control the entire organization.

Modern threats are evolving and are only getting more challenging to overcome. In order to truly be secure, organizations need to establish true cyber resilience – before, during and after an attack – and incorporate identity threat detection and response (ITDR) disciplines within their Active Directory.

Join Quest security experts, Matthew Vinton and Bryan Patton, for an invaluable session where we will discuss the top modern Active Directory threats, such as:

  • A constantly growing attack surface
  • AD misconfigurations
  • Alert fatigue
  • Neglect of on-premises

Then, learn how you can easily mitigate Active Directory  threats while establishing a lifecycle of cyber resilience and ITDR, with Quest.


Matthew Vinton, Brian Harmon

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