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Search IT Data like Google

Search IT Data like Google
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:Aug. 23, 2017
  • Evento:A pedido
Search IT Data like Google

Getting a bird’s-eye view of your organization’s security information can be difficult. Many security information and event management (SIEM) solutions are heavy on the “event”, but light on the “information”. That means you can get logs, but not all the other critical, non-event security data, such as identity and access entitlements, relationships of objects, and timeline of events.

In this webcast, Windows security expert Randy Franklin Smith explores how IT Security Search from Quest uses a simple, natural search language to query disparate IT data, making it easy for you to view:

  • User accounts
  • Groups and nested group membership
  • System security configuration
  • File permissions and other entitlements
  • Change auditing

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