Hi. My name is Chris Randvere. I'm a sales engineer with Dell Data Protection. And today I'm going to talk about the newly released Rapid Recovery. What is Rapid Recovery? It really is a fusion of Dell-AppAssure as well as select features from Dell vRanger. It comes with new UI improvements, as well as a brand new look for the splash board or dashboard.
It has customizable drag and drop widgets now. To where you can easily view your data protection environment from a holistic standpoint. If you notice, I have four here. I have Transfer Jobs. I have the Repository. I have Transfer Job per Machine Widget. And then lastly, Machine Connectivity.
If I hover over any specific portion of that widget, I can click on it and get granular to a specific machine that is being protected. Here Transfer Jobs, simply allowing me to see any successes or failures of jobs over a past 24 hour period. Again, hovering over it I can select it and see exact examples of what went on in regards to those volume transfers.
My Repository Widget here will allow me to see all the repositories that are recognized by the Rapid Recovery core. Showing me a number of machines that the Repository sees, as well as the recovery points that that repository is currently holding. The Transfer Job per Machine, again showing me each server that is being recognized and protected by Rapid Recovery. I can see each of those machines and that activity of that transfer over that period of time.
And then my Machine Connectivity is really something nice that shows me my entire environment. I can see all the machines that Rapid Recovery notices as being online. Any that have failed. Any machines that have been paused in terms of protection. Any that are just flat out unreachable.
And then lastly, any replication that's going on between this Rapid Recovery core and another core out there for disaster recovery scenarios, for instance. And recovery points that this particular machine also sees.
The UI also has updated improvements to the machine filter. I can go to the right of this protected machine, select it, and you can see all the different enhancements now available. I can go to this specific machine. I can interact with it's local mounts. So I can have local data presented to me. I could interact with it's singular retention policy and manipulate it accordingly.
These features, all brand new to rapid recovery. If I am a traditional AppAssure customer, I can go back to the traditional view, if that is something that is of pleasure to me, in terms of administration. This is the generic splash screen that a AppAssure customer sees today. Showing me again, a listing of protected machines, repositories, and then an Event Viewer here on the bottom of the screen. And I can go back and forth between the two views at my leisure. But that is the Rapid Recovery viewpoint as it is today.