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Why Managing Containers Changes the Game for Cloud Applications

Why Managing Containers Changes the Game for Cloud Applications
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Apr. 14, 2020
  • Événement:a la demande
Why Managing Containers Changes the Game for Cloud Applications

If you think VMs and containers are similar, think again. For IT organizations currently running VMs, whether locally or in the cloud, and looking into starting new development in the cloud employing containers, the entire lifecycle matters.

Unlike VMs, managing containers starts when the first code is written, and continues through monitoring and testing in production. Teams, especially DevOps, need to know what is different about building and deploying containers, and how they have to be assembled, managed, and monitored in production.

In this webcast, Peter Varhol of Technology Strategy Research, and Quest Foglight product designer Mike Condy, explore why teams are increasingly using containers, and what effect these decisions have on their operational strategies. They examine the uptake of containers as a development and deployment environment in the cloud, and how containers using Dockers and Kubernetes change application architectures for new applications.

Don’t miss the opportunity to hear actionable advice on what teams must do to achieve long term success with container architectures. You’ll learn:

  • What it means to re-architect an application using containers.
  • How the container architecture changes management and monitoring when the application is in production.
  • How to plan a strategy to manage and monitor container-based applications in production.


  • Peter Varhol of Technology Strategy Research
  • Mike Condy, Quest Foglight Product Designer

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