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What's New in Foglight® Evolve 9.3 by Quest® – including more for Kubernetes, Google Cloud and IBM Cloud

What's New in Foglight® Evolve 9.3 by Quest® – including more for Kubernetes, Google Cloud and IBM Cloud
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Mar. 23, 2021
  • Événement:a la demande
What's New in Foglight® Evolve 9.3 by Quest® – including more for Kubernetes, Google Cloud and IBM Cloud

Learn how to manage your hybrid cloud environment proactively with Foglight® Evolve.

This powerful solution will help you simplify your data center, reduce infrastructure costs, maximize system performance and accurately predict costs. With Foglight Evolve, you’ll tackle your complex mix of clouds, hypervisors and applications, all while keeping resource requirements in check and meeting SLAs for system uptime and performance.

In this session, you’ll see how new features in Foglight Evolve 9.3 will help you:

  • Be more informed about the costs of migrating workloads to Google Cloud – before moving anything
  • Monitor performance of virtual machines running in Google Cloud
  • Assess your plans to migrate workloads to IBM Cloud
  • Manage Kubernetes costs and workloads
  • Automate popular optimization tasks 


Tim Fritz, Quest 

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