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What You Need to Know before Moving to a New SharePoint Version

What You Need to Know before Moving to a New SharePoint Version
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Nov. 29, 2018
  • Événement:a la demande
What You Need to Know before Moving to a New SharePoint Version

Migrations are complex, and they often require an expert-level of knowledge to guarantee success. With organizations moving into SharePoint and Office 365 like never before, there are fundamental roadblocks you need to address before setting off on your migration journey.

In this on-demand webcast with Redmond Magazine and Quest Software, we will look at best practices to ensure your migration is a success, including how to:

  • Assess your source environment for potential issues
  • Develop a comprehensive pre-migration strategy
  • Resolve common migration challenges
  • Properly deploy a hybrid environment without compromising security or collaboration


  • Vlad Catrinescu - SharePoint & Office 365 MVP

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