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Vanquish Uncertainty Around a Hybrid Environment with Quest SQL Server Tools

Vanquish Uncertainty Around a Hybrid Environment with Quest SQL Server Tools
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Jul. 23, 2020
  • Événement:a la demande
Vanquish Uncertainty Around a Hybrid Environment with Quest SQL Server Tools

Practically every promotion you see these days manages to use the phrase “in these uncertain times,” and for good reason. Uncertainty around the health crisis and economy has gripped the world and businesses are grappling with how to reduce uncertainty in their daily operations as they cope with change. 

Amidst all this, database professionals are still expected to minimise risk and uncertainty while reducing costs and maintaining service levels. You and your customers may be experiencing uncertainty around these pressing SQL Server issues in an Azure hybrid environment:

• Deciding which Azure service tier best balances cost with workload performance
• Ensuring future scalability while minimising waste of Azure resources
• Determining how to optimise ongoing database performance 
• Protecting sensitive data
• Managing the impact of hybrid environments on service levels and business disruption

In this on demand session, we’ll demonstrate how Quest’s suite of SQL Server database management, monitoring and performance tuning tools can help customers keep uncertainty at bay in their SQL Server environment on-premises and in Azure.


John Pocknell, Senior Market Strategist, Quest

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