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TEC Talk: Making Generative AI Work for Microsoft 365

TEC Talk: Making Generative AI Work for Microsoft 365
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Oct. 31, 2023
  • Événement:a la demande
TEC Talk: Making Generative AI Work for Microsoft 365

A lot of hype exists around Microsoft 365 Copilot and the benefits that generative AI might bring to Office users. But before an organization commits to the cost of deploying and using Copilot for Microsoft 365, it’s wise to take the time to consider the technology behind Copilot and how it generates information based on user information stored in SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, Teams, and Exchange Online. This session reviews the technology that comes together to enable Copilot in Microsoft 365 apps and explains why different people might see different results. We discuss the dark side of generative AI, the need for user training, cost and potential return, and other issues like oversharing and compliance. All wrapped up in observations based on 40 years of industry experience and just a touch of sceptic wit.


Tony Redmond runs his own consulting company, is the lead author for the eBook Office 365 for IT Pros (office365itpros.com) and is the Editorial Director of Practical365.com. Tony is a frequent speaker at conferences and blends a mixture of executive and technological insight, and just a touch of sceptic wit, into the topics he covers. 

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