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Sounding the Alarm with Real-Time AD Detection and Alerting

Sounding the Alarm with Real-Time AD Detection and Alerting
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:May 10, 2017
  • Événement:a la demande
Sounding the Alarm with Real-Time AD Detection and Alerting

Just because your hybrid Active Directory (AD) environment is secure today doesn’t mean it will be tomorrow. You need to stay on top of unusual or suspicious activity if you want to ensure everything happening in your environment is always on the up and up.

In this on-demand webcast, Quest AD experts will identify our two-fold strategy that defines inappropriate changes and then creates strategic alerts for when they occur. We’ll then explore how this strategy helps to reduce the risk of exposure caused by insider attacks and data breaches.

Want the slide deck? View it here.


• Shawn Barker, Senior Product Manager
• Bryan Patton, Principal Systems Consultant

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