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Reducing Backup and Disaster Recovery Storage Costs from On-Prem to Cloud

Redmond 9/6
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Sept. 6, 2023
  • Événement:a la demande
Redmond 9/6

Exponential data growth makes backup and recovery take too long and causes IT organizations to either spend far more on storage or reduce what they protect. Instead of throwing more costly on-prem and cloud storage at the problem, you can leverage technologies and techniques to do more while reducing costs.

Join Greg Schulz, Author and Sr. Analyst at Server StorageIO and Microsoft MVP (CDM), along with Adrian Moir, Sr. Product Manager and Technology Strategist at Quest, for an interactive discussion on reducing backup and disaster recovery storage costs from on-prem to cloud. Adrian and Greg explore industry trends, customer pain points, techniques and best practices to reduce your data footprint impact and how to support exponential data growth without busting your data protection storage budget.

Find out more about:

  • Data growth, reliance and threat risk impacts
  • Reducing your data footprint
  • On-prem and cloud storage options
  • Storing more data at a low cost
  • Best practices, tips and recommendations

Ce que vous apprendrez

Adrian and Greg will discuss industry trends, customer pain points, techniques, and best practices to reduce your data footprint impact and how to support exponential data growth without busting your data protection storage budget.


Join Greg Schulz, Author and Sr. Analyst at Server StorageIO and Microsoft MVP (CDM), along with Adrian Moir, Sr. Product Manager & Technology Strategist at Quest, for an interactive discussion on reducing backup and data protection storage costs from on-prem to cloud. 

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