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Powerful Database Monitoring for the Healthcare Industry

Powerful Database Monitoring for the Healthcare Industry
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Mar. 19, 2020
  • Événement:a la demande
Powerful Database Monitoring for the Healthcare Industry

Databases serve a critical function in healthcare. EMR platforms like Epic, Allscripts and similar applications depend on backend databases platforms. In addition, patient care, administration, research and HR are critical systems that every healthcare organization depend on. The databases that support these platforms need to perform reliably. 

Watch this session and discover expert techniques to easily and proactively manage your ever-growing database environment.

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Isolate database performance issues and reduce resolution time for mission critical healthcare applications such as those used for electronic health records (EHR) and health information exchanges (HIE)
  • Profile and gain better insight into patient, physician, payer and provider workload from data driven applications
  • Support new database platforms and new cloud database service technologies.
  • and much more!


Jason Hall - Solutions Engineer

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