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Powerful Database Monitoring for the Healthcare Industry

Powerful Database Monitoring for the Healthcare Industry
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Apr. 4, 2019
  • Événement:a la demande
Powerful Database Monitoring for the Healthcare Industry

The digitization of the healthcare industry is happening at an exponential rate.  Databases serve a critical function in healthcare, including areas of patient care, administration, research and education.  Healthcare providers rely on their Databases to maintain productivity, control costs, and protect data, so keeping them running and secure is crucial. Database professionals are asked to look through a crystal ball and prevent future problems from happening, a task that is nearly impossible.

With Foglight for Databases, managing your ever-growing and complex database environment will be easier than ever before. Our industry-leading solutions will help you stay proactive in your database environment and redirect your time and energy where it is needed most.

Ce que vous apprendrez

In this event, we will show you how you can use Foglight to: 

  • Isolate database performance issues and reduce resolution time for mission critical healthcare applications such as those used for electronic health records (EHR) and health information exchanges (HIE)
  • Profile and gain better insight into patient, physician, payer and provider workload from data driven applications
  • Identify database sprawl and usage which can help healthcare organizations plan for future capacity or consolidation efforts
  • and much more!


Jason Hall - Jason is senior systems consultant for Quest Software, focusing on database management. 

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