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Maintaining AD-Like Security in an Office 365 World

Maintaining AD-Like Security in an Office 365 World
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Jan. 17, 2018
  • Événement:a la demande
Maintaining AD-Like Security in an Office 365 World

Moving to Office 365 puts a damper on two specific — and very important — parts of security: visibility and control. Whether running purely in the cloud with Azure Active Directory (AD) under the hood or using a hybrid AD configuration, you’ve increased your organization’s footprint, resulting in an equal increase in risk.

So how do you ensure on-premises-like control in a hybrid or purely cloud environment?

Join Nick Cavalancia, industry expert and founder of Techvangelism, and Matthew Vinton, Quest, as they discuss:

  • Cloud causes for concern — What should you be worried about?
  • Basic blocking and tackling — What steps are necessary to secure Office 365 and hybrid AD?
  • Tools for the job — What’s available out of the box?


  • Nick Cavalancia - Founder of Techvangelism
  • Matthew Vinton - Strategic Systems Consultant

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