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Learn Why Database Performance is the Key To Digital Transformation

Learn Why Database Performance is the Key To Digital Transformation
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Dec. 12, 2018
  • Événement:a la demande
Learn Why Database Performance is the Key To Digital Transformation

To become a digital native in today's data-driven world, your organization must focus its energy on the lifeblood of the digital movement. That is – data. Business, IoT devices, users and even entire cities are creating data every second. A recent IDC report indicated that by 2025, an average connected person anywhere in the world will interact with connected devices nearly 4,800 times per day – basically one interaction every 18 seconds.

But here's the big question: What are you doing with all this data? How are you storing it? And, how are your databases leveraging this information? Most importantly, can you measure performance? A major part of our digital world is the concept of 'slow is the new down.' So, if your databases aren't performing well, whether on-premises or in the cloud, you're effectively slowing your users and your business.

In this session, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of our new data-driven digital world, where databases have evolved and how they're being used today. You’ll also learn about major trends around cloud and hybrid database migrations, performance-testing capabilities in a diverse database ecosystem and how to plan for the data-driven future. You’ll gain expert insights on:

  • Major trends around data creation and data sources
  • The evolution of the database: data center, hybrid and cloud
  • Designing an optimal data and database architecture
  • Benchmarking and performance design
  • Best practices around database design and migration


  • Bill Kleyman - Director of Technology Solutions, EPAM
  • Kevin Dalton - Sr. Software Development Engineer, Quest

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