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Is it Time to Move Computer Accounts to Azure Active Directory?

Microsoft 365 DSC: How to Set Up an Office 365 Tenant from Scratch and Stop Configuration Drift
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Dec. 6, 2022
  • Événement:a la demande
Microsoft 365 DSC: How to Set Up an Office 365 Tenant from Scratch and Stop Configuration Drift
Cloud transformation is an ongoing, multi-year strategy for many organizations. While some companies have moved unstructured data to Office 365, many have not migrated computer accounts and machine management to the cloud. With remote working at all-time highs, and not showing any sign of changing, businesses struggle to manage and maintain their endpoints. Because so many services are hosted in the cloud, numerous devices never hit the network. In this session we will explore the pros and cons of moving computer accounts to Azure Active Directory and methods on how to get it done. We will cover the differences between controlling devices with Group Policy & Device Configuration Policies. Come explore the theory and realities of your options.


Becky Cross - Technical Product Manager


Mike Weaver - Microsoft Office Apps and Services MVP

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