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Integrate your version control system with Toad - Ask Toad

Integrate your version control system with Toad - Ask Toad
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Apr. 16, 2019
  • Événement:a la demande
Integrate your version control system with Toad - Ask Toad

Rapid development cycles make it more important than ever to track and document changes to your source code. Many Toad customers are already using a version control system (VCS) without realizing they can integrate it with Toad and have Toad handle the backend processing.

Ce que vous apprendrez

In this session you’ll learn about the features of Toad Team Coding. We’ll show you how to integrate your VCS, check-in/check-out/edit existing objects and add new objects to the VCS.

  • Access Toad Team Coding
  • Integrate your VCS and Team Coding
  • Check-in and check-out existing objects and edit them
  •  Add new objects to the VCS


Mark Kurtz, SW Sales Engineer I

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