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How can a DBA Participate in DevOps?

How can a DBA Participate in DevOps?
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Oct. 16, 2018
  • Événement:a la demande
How can a DBA Participate in DevOps?

DBA vs. developer, a rivalry right up there with the Hatfield’s and the McCoy’s or the Yankees and the Red Sox, only maybe more civil!

While DBAs and developers may still be at odds over whether it’s a poorly designed system or poorly designed code that’s at fault for causing issues, companies that have embraced DevOps in their application management require a tighter relationship and better communication than ever before.

This on-demand webcast introduces the high-level concept of DevOps to a DBA audience while specifically focusing on how a DBA can participate in, enhance and embrace an organization’s DevOps methodology.

We also discuss how database monitoring, specifically Foglight® for Databases, bridges the gap between DBA and developer, creating harmony within the development lifecycle.


  • Jason Hall - Solutions Architect

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