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External Identities Guest/B2B/B2C – Pick One?

Microsoft 365 DSC: How to Set Up an Office 365 Tenant from Scratch and Stop Configuration Drift
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Dec. 6, 2022
  • Événement:a la demande
Microsoft 365 DSC: How to Set Up an Office 365 Tenant from Scratch and Stop Configuration Drift
Identity and access management in the cloud is tricky. This session will discuss B2C and the differences between B2B and multi-tenants and when you would use each. We will also discuss external Identity Providers (IdPs), company branding, User Flows and what they are, Custom User Flows and when you would use them, User attributes, and the Identity Experience framework and why it’s important to follow. We’ll also explore Conditional Access and how to secure your identities and audit logs, as well as how to identify risky users. We’ll also discuss any new announcements and roadmap features.


Jim DeSantis - Principal Cloud Solution Architect - Identity

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