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Do You Feel the Need … the Need for Speed? Top Five SQL Server Query Tuning Tips

Do You Feel the Need … the Need for Speed? Top Five SQL Server Query Tuning Tips
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Apr. 15, 2020
  • Événement:a la demande
Do You Feel the Need … the Need for Speed? Top Five SQL Server Query Tuning Tips

Query tuning is key to peak performance in SQL Server databases. However, lots of developers and DBAs constantly struggle to pinpoint the root cause of performance issues and spend way too much time trying to fix them. In this on demand session, I will share my tried and true best practices for tuning SQL statements and other issues by utilizing Wait Time Analysis, reviewing execution plans and using SQL diagramming techniques. In addition, I’ll go over several case studies to demonstrate these best practices. 

Regardless of the complexity of your database or your skill level, this systematic approach will lead you down the correct SQL performance tuning path with no guessing, saving countless hours of tuning queries and optimizing performance of your SQL Server databases. 

You’ll learn how to: 

Effectively use wait types to quickly identify bottlenecks and get clues on the best tuning approach 
Quickly identify inefficient operations through review of query execution plans 
Easily apply SQL diagramming techniques to find the best execution plan 



Janis Griffin

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