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Data Growth and the MSP: How to Profitably Deliver Data Protection

Data Growth and the MSP: How to Profitably Deliver Data Protection
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Sept. 17, 2019
  • Événement:a la demande
Data Growth and the MSP: How to Profitably Deliver Data Protection

As a Managed Service Provider (MSP), you strive to provide customers with low-cost, high-value data protection. Yet the exponential growth of customer data drives up your costs. But what if you could use next-generation technology to not only reduce operational costs and boost your profits, but also offer expanded services like disaster recovery and archiving? See how it’s possible in this on-demand webcast showcasing ways to:

  • Complement your data protection service offerings already in place
  • Drive down storage costs with deduplication
  • Utilize long-term cloud storage
  • Leverage the cloud as a part of your data protection services


  • Adrian Moir - Sr. Consultant, Product Management
  • Nick Cavalancia - Microsoft MVP

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