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Call for Backup: Governance, Ownership & Delivery of Business Resiliency in 2023 and Beyond

Call for Backup: Governance, Ownership & Delivery of Business Resiliency in 2023 and Beyond
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Jun. 7, 2023
  • Événement:a la demande
Call for Backup: Governance, Ownership & Delivery of Business Resiliency in 2023 and Beyond

While there’s no shortage of technology to help organizations recover from cyberattacks and other security threats, it can often be overlooked. The ownership of the backup and recovery of business data is often a gray area between IT and security operations, leaving vulnerabilities in many businesses. 
This webinar explains why disaster recovery is vital to a “Zero Trust” strategy to increase business resiliency.

CISO Ian Thornton-Trump CD from Cyjax UK Ltd joins Senior Solutions Architect Aaron Newsome from Quest Software to cover:

  • The demands organizations place on backup, resiliency and recovery capabilities.
  • The importance of backup capabilities in business resiliency strategies, digital transformation and Zero Trust approaches.
  • Real life examples that address how to protect your organization.

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