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8 Reasons Teams Fall Short on AD Forest and Ransomware Recovery

8 Reasons Teams Fall Short on AD Forest and Ransomware Recovery
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Jun. 25, 2024
  • Événement:a la demande
8 Reasons Teams Fall Short on AD Forest and Ransomware Recovery

In recent surveys, over half of the Active Directory professional respondents admitted to not having an AD Forest recovery solution. With ransomware skyrocketing and AD providing access to the identity controls of an organization's business, there's no excuse for IT and security groups to risk not having a comprehensive AD Forest recovery solution.

In this webinar, Quest product manager, Darren Hanlon, and Patrick Ancipink, Quest product marketing manager, cover:

  • The threats and trends driving Active Directory resilience and recovery
  • The top 8 reasons that teams of every size and in every industry fall short on AD Forest recovery and ransomware preparedness
  • How to close these gaps with AD Forest and disaster recovery technologies, techniques and processes

Whether you are a skeptic or someone looking to champion an AD Forest recovery solution for your organization, this session will provide invaluable information to keep you prepared and informed.


Darren Hanlon, Product Manager, Quest Software (Darren.hanlon@quest.com)

Darren Hanlon is a Product Manager in Microsoft Platform Management responsible for a suite of solutions for Disaster Recovery, Management, Security and Governance—all focused on Active Directory, Azure and Office 365. He has 25 years of IT experience in systems administration, design, delivery and support, primarily working on the Microsoft platform.

Patrick Ancipink, Sr Product Marketing Manager, Quest Software (Patrick.ancipink@quest.com)

Patrick uses his domain experience across cybersecurity and infrastructure operations management to inform initiatives like cyber resilience and ransomware defense and recovery. He has two decades of diverse experience in enterprise B2B software—from global leaders like IBM, BMC and CA Technologies/Broadcom to disruptive start-ups like NetQoS–and works to ensure that marketing efforts fuse customer needs with outstanding and relevant technology.

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