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Security and the Impact of Active Directory Configurations

Drift Happens: Security and the Impact of Active Directory Configurations
En ligne



  • Date:Jul. 18, 2024
  • Heure: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM BT
  • Durée:60 Minutes
  • Lieu:Microsoft Teams Live
  • Événement:En ligne
Drift Happens: Security and the Impact of Active Directory Configurations

Delve into the pivotal role of Active Directory (AD) in authentication and access management for business identities and resources in our upcoming webcast on Thursday, 18 July.

Ensure your organization stays ahead of the curve in authentication and access management security. This session promises to be a game-changer in understanding and addressing two critical aspects: configuration drift and the identification of Tier Zero assets. Join us to:

  • Explore the sustained prominence of AD in the evolving technological landscape
  • Understand the critical need for companies to address configuration drift
  • Gain insights into potential consequences of configuration drift and strategies to mitigate them
  • Emphasize the significance of defining and validating Tier Zero assets
  • Get practical guidelines for maintaining a robust AD configuration

Speaker: Natalija Buldakova, Quest Software, Solutions Architect

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