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KKE: How to Build and Improve Your Service Desk Workflows

KKE: How to Build and Improve Your Service Desk Workflows
En ligne



  • Date:Sept. 4, 2024
  • Heure: 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM EST
  • Durée:30 Minutes
  • Lieu:Microsoft Teams
  • Événement:En ligne
KKE: How to Build and Improve Your Service Desk Workflows

Does your organization utilize outdated or cumbersome processes that slow down the service desk? Without standardized workflows, service quality can be inconsistent and lead to delays in issue resolution.

A service desk workflow is a structured way of handling custom queries and technical issues. Essentially, it is a step-by-step plan that helps support teams organize and solve problems efficiently. 

Tune in to this KKE session, where we’ll cover:

  • Ticket templates vs. process templates
  • Examples of process templates
  • How to create a template

Bring your questions, and our experts will be ready to help! 

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