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KACE KKE: Unlock patching best practices

KACE KKE: Unlock patching best practices
En ligne



  • Date:Aug. 7, 2024
  • Heure: 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM EST
  • Durée:30 Minutes
  • Lieu:Microsoft Teams
  • Événement:En ligne
KACE KKE: Unlock patching best practices

It’s no secret that regular and comprehensive patching helps to maintain a secure IT environment. But are your patch management processes up to snuff?

Join us for a discussion on patching best practices, where you’ll discover:

  • How to develop a robust strategy for managing patches across your organization
  • The nuances of OS patching
  • Insights into effective application patching techniques to prevent vulnerabilities
  • Troubleshooting tips and tricks to address common patching issues

We encourage you to bring any questions you might have – our experts will be ready to help!

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