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One-person IT department automates patching, security, ticketing, inventory, remote access and backup

I would say that it has been life-changing to get the level of automation I now have in our systems and to free up that time for other duties. It has been a phenomenal benefit for me in this position.

Dr. Troy Spetter, Director of Educational Technology, Edison High School

Learn how a high school director of educational technology with an inherited out-of-date, understaffed IT landscape started automating security, patching and backup. KACE SMA, QoreStor and Desktop Authority helped eliminate redundant IT tools and greatly reduce storage needs.

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Produits apparentés

KACE Systems Management Appliance
KACE Systems Management Appliance

Gérez tout type de poste client avec une solution complète et facile à utiliser

Demander un essai gratuit


Accélérez la vitesse de sauvegarde, réduisez les coûts de stockage et utilisez le Cloud pour la reprise après sinistre.

Version d’essai en test

KACE Desktop Authority
KACE Desktop Authority

Gestion fluide et centralisée des postes de travail pour une véritable gestion de l’environnement Windows.