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How Mergers and Acquisitions Impact Data Security

How Mergers and Acquisitions Impact Data Security

The primary goal of M&As is synergy — ensuring that the value and performance of the newly combined company is greater than the total of each of them individually. The sooner the combined entity can achieve synergy, the sooner your organization will realize improved financial performance. Unfortunately, in the glow of anticipated synergies, companies often make crucial mistakes and fail to get the IT integration done right. As a result, they suffer serious security problems that put the newly created company at risk.

Don’t make this mistake. Before your next M&A IT integration, read this ebook to discover how to:

  • avoid M&A IT integration missteps
  • protect yourself from security breaches
  • achieve data security
  • reap the benefits you expect from your M&A
How Mergers and Acquisitions Impact Data Security

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