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Working with Indexes with Dan Hotka – Part 2

Working with Indexes with Dan Hotka – Part 2
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Oct. 13, 2016
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Working with Indexes with Dan Hotka – Part 2

You’re finally gaining momentum toward your goal of better SQL performance! Hang on tight and get the most out of your newfound Explain Plan, indexing and Toad tips and tricks. End your journey with scripts written by Dan Hotka himself and walk away with more techniques for indexing as well as best practices for improving SQL performance. 

In this session, you’ll come away with multiple tips on: 

  • Index Selection by the CBO.
  • Index Monitoring and best practices.
  • Index Clustering Factor and its importance.


Dan Hotka, Oracle ACE

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