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Webcast: Do DBAs Have a Future?

Webcast: Do DBAs Have a Future?
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Jul. 6, 2021
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Webcast: Do DBAs Have a Future?

Tech trends – including accelerated digital transformation efforts, advancements in automation, the introduction of autonomous databases and PaaS – may have you questioning whether the role of the DBA will exist in the future. The good news is that the role of the DBA will absolutely exist, but it will be different from what it used to be.

With all the changes happening right now – as the global pandemic accelerated the shift to remote work and businesses face pressure to comply with data privacy regulations as they migrate more applications to the cloud – DBAs continue to be on the front line. But what will happen next?

Was Sie lernen werden

In this webinar, we’ll explore the evolving role of the DBA, what to expect and how to support your business as a valuable advisor. We’ll discuss a future in which DBAs become more business savvy, engaging with leadership and getting involved earlier in projects, right at the conception phase instead of at the end. DBAs are invaluable partners to business leaders. When considering initiatives like cloud, data management and DevOps, DBAs are the go-to source of knowledge and expertise within an organization. 

Although leveraging AI will eliminate the mundane, routine tasks that DBAs have historically been responsible for, this will also open up opportunities for them to play an advisory role to the business. DBAs are critical as they manage company data and they’re technologically astute, so it only makes sense that they should be the trusted advisors on how to best leverage data to benefit the business. If data is king, then DBAs will remain a critical part of the king's court. 


John Pocknell: Based in the U.K., John is a senior market strategist at Quest. He has been with Quest since 2000, working in the database design, development and deployment product areas and spent over 10 years as product manager for the Toad product line.  John has worked in IT for more than 30 years, most of that time in Oracle application design and development. He is a qualified aeronautical engineer with more than 10 years of experience in provisioning IT consultancy services and implementing quality assurance systems to ISO 9001

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