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Top 5 Ways to Prepare for Your Next Microsoft 365 (Office 365) Tenant Migration

Top 5 Ways to Prepare for Your Next Microsoft 365 (Office 365) Tenant Migration
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:May 18, 2020
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Top 5 Ways to Prepare for Your Next Microsoft 365 (Office 365) Tenant Migration

During these times, users are reliant on Microsoft 365 as the lifeline of the organization. As your organization thinks about starting or continuing a tenant migration, you face the possibility that the migration can’t be done in a single, quick exercise. This impacts your IT’s ability to ensure communication, collaboration, connectivity and coexistence between Office 365 tenants, all while maintaining security during and after the process.

So, how can you plan and execute a seamless Microsoft 365 tenant migration?

Watch this on-demand webcast and join Microsoft Cloud and Datacenter MVP, Nick Cavalancia, along with Ron Robbins, Senior Product Manager, Migration at Quest Software, as they discuss:

  • How a tenant migration can impact security, productivity and operations
  • What aspects of Microsoft 365 can go awry during a tenant migration
  • Five ways to ensure the business remains operational both during and post-migration


  • Nick Cavalancia, Microsoft Cloud and Datacenter MVP
  • Ron Robbins, Senior Product Manager, Migration at Quest Software

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