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Top 5 Challenges when Managing Cross Platform Database environment

Top 5 Challenges when Managing Cross Platform Database environment
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Sept. 21, 2017
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Top 5 Challenges when Managing Cross Platform Database environment

Today’s DBA is increasingly being asked to manage not only larger numbers of database instances, but multiple database platforms as well. Cross-Platform database monitoring and management is no longer a trend, it’s a reality. But how do you manage it all and address the challenges presented in this evolving database complexity?

In this on-demand webcast, our experts Jason Hall and Pini Dibask to discover the Top 5 Challenges when Managing Cross Platform Database environments and learn to address how you can:

  • Manage different types of databases
  • Get the optimal availability and performance out of databases with different editions (e.g. Enterprise, Standard)
  • Cope with large database environments (hundreds of instances and above)
  • Handle databases in different locations (including on premise and cloud)
  • Manage databases with little to no impact on performance (overhead)


  • Jason Hall - Solutions Architect
  • Pini Dibask - Product Manager

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