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Virtual Booth: Top Five Challenges of Managing Cross-Platform Database Environments

Virtual Booth: Top Five Challenges of Managing Cross-Platform Database Environments
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Oct. 12, 2017
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Virtual Booth: Top Five Challenges of Managing Cross-Platform Database Environments

Database management is complex. You’re increasingly being asked to manage not only larger numbers of database instances, but multiple database platforms. Put on your gloves and knock out your cross-platform database management challenges. Our experts are here to show you how to win the fight and become undefeated at:

  1. Managing different types of databases
  2. Scoring optimal availability and performance out of Enterprise and Standard edition databases 
  3. Wrestling hundreds of database instances like a champ
  4. Maintaining databases both on-premises and in the cloud
  5. Decreasing overhead by managing databases with little to no impact on performance 


Pini Dibask is a product manager and a certified database professional specializing in performance tuning, high availability, data protection, and other databases.

Jason Hall is a solutions architect who worked with hundreds of customers to help architect and implement database driven solutions. His expertise includes monitoring, diagnostics, disaster recovery, high availability, and performance. 

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