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Toad Training Tuesday (Toad for Oracle): Five Cool DBA Features in Toad for Oracle Base Edition

Five Cool DBA Features in Toad for Oracle Base Edition
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Jun. 4, 2020
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Five Cool DBA Features in Toad for Oracle Base Edition

Toad® for Oracle Base Edition is an exceptional tool for Oracle administration, allowing you to manage all your on-premises and cloud databases, control database access, browse and navigate database objects, and run SQL and PL/SQL. Additionally, Toad offers numerous ways to enhance your organization, productivity, and collaboration.

In this session, you’ll gain insight into five of the most useful DBA features in Toad for Oracle Base Edition, including how to:

Topics that will be discussed include:

  • Automate various Toad and non-Toad functions
  • Manage all your scripts from a central location
  • Browse, view, and edit data across tables regardless of referential integrity (RI)
  • Manage and view all your sessions in a single view
  • Generate database documentation easily for all database objects across multiple databases


  • Russell Tuttle
    Quest Software

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