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The New Robots in SQL Server 2017, 2019 and Azure

The New Robots in SQL Server 2017, 2019 and Azure
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:May 12, 2020
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
The New Robots in SQL Server 2017, 2019 and Azure
You've been hearing about all these robots that are coming to take your job. They're going to automate all the SQL performance tuning and make your life way easier, right? Or harder, I guess...since you'll be looking for a job. Thing is, most of that is just plain old marketing hype that Microsoft is using, trying to sell your management on upgrading to newer versions or moving to the cloud. In this on demand session, Brent Ozar will blow the marketing smoke away, show you these features in action, and show you which ones are ready for prime time. You'll walk away better equipped to have conversations with management about why you should (or shouldn't) upgrade, and how you can use these features not just to stay employed, but have a better career.


Brent Ozar

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