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The Ins and Outs of Cloud-Based Endpoint Patching

The Ins and Outs of Cloud-Based Endpoint Patching
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:May 23, 2024
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
The Ins and Outs of Cloud-Based Endpoint Patching
Patching is boring; but then again, cyberattacks provide the kind of excitement nobody wants. The best of both worlds is to automate patching so you can free up time to work on the strategic projects that actually do excite you.

Every device accessing your data is an attack vector. If it is not patched, it is dangerous. KACE Unified Endpoint Management Solutions give you the flexibility you need to patch all your devices the way you want to – both now and in the future – to help prevent cyberattacks.

Watch this virtual Coffee Talk to learn straight from the experts how cloud-based endpoint patching can strengthen your security posture and what pitfalls to look out for. Learn from Jillian Salamon, a Sr. Solutions Consultant for Quest Software. Jillian has been with Quest Software for 16 years and is responsible for the KACE Product Portfolio. Jillian specializes and is passionate about ITSM, ITAM, Endpoint Management and Mobile Device Management. 

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