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Stay Updated to Stay Secure: The importance of keeping your software investments up to date

The importance of keeping your software investments up to date
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Apr. 20, 2023
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
The importance of keeping your software investments up to date

When it comes to IT security, it’s a race between you and bad actors. You need to strengthen your security posture faster and we’re here to help you. In this on-demand webinar, Quest® experts reveal why staying current on software is not optional – it’s critical. You’ll hear a troubling real-world example of how a DevOps engineer at a password security company failed to update their software, allowing hackers to exploit a known vulnerability.

Was Sie lernen werden

You will learn why you need to know what types of software licenses you have and how updates relate to each. And you’ll see why updating your software doesn’t just increase security, but it also provides additional benefits, such as optimizing performance through new features, ensuring compliance and improving interoperability and compatibility.

Then, you’ll find out what you should expect from your software vendor when it comes to security – from third-party vulnerability scanning to regularly scheduled third-party penetration testing and more. You’ll also learn three steps you should take to keep your IT environment safe.

Looking for more resources to help you stay secure while updating your software? Check out this tech brief from Quest: "Stay Updated on Quest Toad to Stay Secure."

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