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The cost of convenience: Five tips for choosing between proprietary or open-source technologies

The cost of convenience: Five tips for choosing between proprietary or open-source technologies
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Feb. 28, 2023
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
The cost of convenience: Five tips for choosing between proprietary or open-source technologies

How can a successful enterprise choose an open-source technology when the community that’s behind it could suddenly lose interest? This could result in the tech stack becoming a technical debt and a growing risk to the IT operations team. It’s an understandable concern. But the potential for risk is outweighed by the reward, providing freedom from vendor lock-in and, in some cases, avoiding large proprietary licenses.

Watch experts engage in a thoughtful conversation on the philosophy behind open source with tales from real-world customer interactions.

Was Sie lernen werden

What you will learn:

  • How to look past the hype-curve in evaluating open-source technology as a part of your tech stack
  • Why open source does not mean free
  • What sustains the drive toward open source
  • The reason open source is thriving now more than ever


Michael O’Donnell, PhD
Senior Analyst with Quest Software

Simplify your work with open-source databases. Discover easier ways to access datamonitor all your databases, manage new databases, migrate to MySQL and PostgreSQL and move Oracle workloads and data to Azure.

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