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Slashing Virtualization & Cloud Costs – Two Real-World Examples

Slashing Virtualization & Cloud Costs – Two Real-World Examples
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Apr. 9, 2020
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Slashing Virtualization & Cloud Costs – Two Real-World Examples

When companies face uncertainty in the marketplace, there’s one constant every company can turn to: Cutting IT costs.

But there’s good news: Slashing virtualization and cloud costs is more accessible than you might think – without having to compromise on performance. In this webcast, we’ll explore proven, real-world methods two IT-focused organizations used to significantly reduce their cloud and virtualization spend. You’ll see exactly how these organizations achieved these results, and you’ll walk away with a checklist of areas where you can do the same.

See how these organizations were able to:

  • Save $450,000 in the first year by enabling IT to reclaim wasted storage and CPUs and discover abandoned VMs
  • Expect to deliver additional savings of $1.4 million within two years by right-sizing additional environments
  • Reverse an unexpected 25x increase in monthly cloud spend – without resorting to a just-as-costly reversal back to on-premises storage
  • Reduce OpEx and supported business growth with automation and capacity management


Mike Condy: Quest Senior Product Manager 

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