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Simplify auditing and reporting with On Demand Audit

Simplify auditing and reporting with On Demand Audit
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Dec. 12, 2019
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Simplify auditing and reporting with On Demand Audit

In the first six months of 2019, more than 3,800 data breaches that resulted in 4.1 billion records being exposed were reported. Some companies had been under attack for months without them knowing due to how complex generating and collecting audit logs can be – especially when it comes to large and diverse environments. If you are one of the 200 million monthly Microsoft Office 365 users, the level of complexity increases further as you need to track changes to both on-premises and Microsoft Office 365 environments.

So, how can you simplify the process and improve security?

Was Sie lernen werden

Watch this on-demand webcast and join Business Development Director at Quest, Ian Simpson and Regis Alix, Senior Principal Solutions Architect at Quest, as they discuss how SaaS based Quest On Demand Audit provides quick, seamless auditing and reporting of both on-premises and Microsoft Office 365 changes.  


Ian Simpson, Business Development Director at Quest and Regis Alix, Senior Principal Solutions Architect at Quest

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