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Protecting Your Endpoints from Ransomware: Top Do's, Don'ts and Gotchas

Protecting Your Endpoints from Ransomware: Top Do's, Don'ts and Gotchas
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Jun. 27, 2023
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Protecting Your Endpoints from Ransomware: Top Do's, Don'ts and Gotchas

Last year, a Ponemon Institute survey found that enterprises have an average of 135,000 endpoint devices they have to secure. Even if you’re a midsized business or SMB, your number of endpoint devices is likely in the many hundreds or even thousands. That’s a staggering amount of entry points for attackers to target with ransomware. On top of that, we’ve all been told that ransomware is a matter of “when,” not “if.” How can you make sure that all of those endpoints -- each with different user, security and compliance requirements – don’t put the rest of your organization and its data at risk when one of them gets compromised? What makes a good ransomware security strategy, and how can you scale it as the number of endpoints in your organization grows? What are the top best practices for protecting against ransomware today – and what should you absolutely never do?

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